

CNIPMMR is the only employers’ confederation representing SMEs at national level, irrespective of their activity field. The key mission of CNIPMMR is to promote and protect the interests (economic, commercial, financial, juridical and of any other nature) of SMEs in Romania. Since 2002, CNIPMMR is implementing projects financed by UE, focused on supporting and developing the needs of SMEs. CNIPMMR was/is coordinator or partner within several projects financed by Leonardo da Vinci programme, PHARE or ESF funds. All these projects implemented by CNIPMMR are contributing to carry on its mission, which is to offer services to Romanian SMEs such as information, training and consultancy. CNIPMMR has a vast experience in implementing European projects and its portfolio includes over 35 European projects (since 2002).The experience related to the proposed project is the result of several projects carried out so far, concerning the human resources training in various fields.


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Supported by the DI-XL project related with the dissemination and exploitation of LLP results through libraries


  1 Patroclou & Paradisou Str.,

  GR-151 25 Maroussi, Athens, Greece

  Tel.: +30 210 6822606 Fax: +30 210 6894576

  Internet:  E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.